Day 33, Sun 22nd July. 52-12N, 140-34W. Daily Run: 117 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 479 NM to go

Day 33, Sun 22nd July. 52-12N, 140-34W. Daily Run: 117 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 479 NM to go A lovely 24 hours of sailing, after reading up I did a bit of sail trim, and managed to squeeze an extra 1/2 knot out of the boat, but better still, the sails … Continue reading Day 33, Sun 22nd July. 52-12N, 140-34W. Daily Run: 117 NM. Weather: 5-10 Knots SE, Sunny and cold, 479 NM to go